The Story of Our Childhood
by the Children of
Donald Graham Dick and Bertha May Neisinger Dick"

      After Mom and Daddy discovered that Robbie had Cerebral Palsy, they found a special school where he could go and get training and therapy. It was called: The Spastic Children's Clinic and Preschool. It was located somewhere north of downtown Seattle, so it was quite a ways to go - especially since the appointments were so often. Mom had gotten her driver's license and was driving then, so she took him to his classes two or three days a week.

      Mom had Sharon's son Jeff during the day then, and he was only about one and a half years old. She would put Jeff in a little car seat with a steering wheel, and Robbie would sit next to them on the front seat.

      Once, when Robbie was about four and one-half years old, it was nearing Thanksgiving. When they all got to the therapy session, they were surprised to find the KOMO Channel 4 News Van in front of the buildings. Because Mom didn't see any police or fire vehicles, she felt comfortable they weren't in danger. It appeared NOT to be an emergency situation. Still curious, they continued on in to go to Robbie's appointment.

      Soon they discovered the reason for the KOMO van. A commotion developed when a LIVE turkey was brought into the therapy class room! "Gobble-Gurgle, Gobble-Gurgle" the turkeys jabbered. KOMO had come to the School/Clinic to do a charitable fun thing for the children who attended there. The turkeys "bobbed" their heads and "gobbled" away while the NEWS cameras were rolling trying to get some cute clips for the nightly news show.

      Most of the children were severely handicapped and hardly even knew that there was anything unusual going on. Of those who could appreciate the "show", many were nervous of the "strange" noisy birds and sat back and watched. Robbie's little nephew, Jeff, however walked up to one of the turkeys and "got right in its face". Of course, the KOMO people didn't know he was just a visitor so they got it all on film. Wouldn't you know it, that was the clip they decided to put on the NEWS that night!

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