The Story of Our Childhood
by the Children of
Donald Graham Dick and Bertha May Neisinger Dick"
DADDY (Don Dick Army Air Corp)

      One thing no one could ever say about my daddy was that he was lazy! The only job I can remember Daddy having was his employment at Boeing, although I know he had several others. He worked very faithfully in his positions at Boeing. It may not have been his favorite thing to get up and go to work everyday, but I was proud of him for providing for our big family. I recall several instances when he boldly shared his faith at work, too, for which he was not always well received, but I perceived that he was well respected as a man and as an employee by his co-workers because of his strong work ethic.

Daddy holding Eileen

      When Daddy came home from work each day, it was an exciting time for sure. I'm sure mommy made it so, by anticipating his arrival herself and by preparing for dinner (which always included potatoes) to be ready just as he pulled in the driveway. As soon as one of us saw him driving down the road to our driveway, you'd hear "Daddy's home!" Then if any of us were in the back yard, mommy would call us in with her singsong voice, "Come on in now and let's get washed for dinner!" When we were young, I remember running outside to meet him in the driveway. He was fun to meet because we knew he loved us. Daddy would always head straight for mommy and give her a gentle kiss. Often He would say "Have I told you lately that I love you?" He'd set down his lunch pail in the kitchen and go wash up for dinner. I remember that when he washed it was with a bar of ivory soap and he always washed up past his elbows. It seemed like overkill to me, but then what did I know?

      Daddy was pretty busy at our house, always trying to make it bigger and better for our needs. One of my first memories of our house was when he dug out the basement. I thought my daddy was the strongest man in the world. He used a pick ax and shovel and used a wheelbarrow to take the dirt out. It was especially fun when Daddy would give us a ride in the big wheelbarrow! I'm sure I don't know all that was involved with that project but I remember thinking he had such big muscles. I always thought my daddy could protect me from any danger, should the need arise. Sometimes, other men would come to help him with the work. I remember Uncle Zane helping one day and my cousin Nancy and I played together that day.

Our Cousin Nancy with Eileen in

                This is our Cousin Nancy Dick with Eileen

      Many times I helped Daddy while he was working on the addition to our house. He let me hold the ends of boards that he was cutting with his circular saw, so they wouldn't drop to the floor. Sometimes I would hand him nails, or tools. I felt so important to be "helping", even if actually I probably was slowing him down a bit! I did learn a little about tools in the process, though.

      Daddy seemed to like making things for us kids to play with. He made swings and a huge teeter-totter. He also erected a pole so we could play tetherball.

      I remember loving the high jump apparatus he made with a bamboo pole, so we could get better at that at school. Jeanie was so good at that. She was very agile and gymnastic! I remember jumping rope quite a bit and I think Daddy cut those ropes for us. Sometimes he cut a real long one so we could turn the rope for one or two people to jump between each "turner". Mommy helped us with various rhymes to say as we jumped! Daddy also made a sandbox. Sometimes, Daddy would come out and play a game of baseball with us in the driveway next to our house. Sometimes, the neighborhood boys came over to join in, too. I loved it when Daddy played with us. It made us all happy to see him having a good time, too. I even remember Daddy playing with us in the snow on our hill one time when there was enough snow to use our sled!

      I remember vividly when daddy would compliment me on my piano playing. I guess because I knew how much he worked in order for me to have lessons, it always meant a great deal when he noticed my progress. I do also remember he would ask me to slow my playing down. I still have to remind myself to do that!!

      Daddy was especially protective of us girls when we entered the dating stage. This was another one of the ways he showed us he cared.

      When it was time for me to learn to drive, Daddy was the one to help me. He was so thorough and patient. I always thought he was a very good driver, though, so it was easy for me to trust him as my teacher. He had me practice parallel parking between markers in our yard before we ever tried it between cars!

      Daddy and mommy both sacrificed for me to go to Southwestern Baptist Bible College, too. I followed their example in trusting God for the money it would take. God did provide, in many wonderful ways. Daddy knew I was pretty afraid when it actually came time to go all by myself to Phoenix, Arizona, not knowing a soul. He comforted me by giving me a special verse. It is John 14:27 "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." After Daddy passed away, I was grieving deeply and walked into a Christian bookstore. There on the wall hung a framed picture with this very verse on it! I knew right away that it was God reminding me of Daddy's comforting words to me years before.

      It seems small, maybe, but I remember Daddy taking me to the fabric store to look for materials so mommy and I could make my veil for my wedding. It meant so much to me!

Daddy - My Example

Daddy, My Example

      When I was choosing a man to be my husband, it was important to me that he would be very much like my daddy. I found him. I was so happy when daddy approved of my choice. And when daddy walked down the aisle with me, to give me away to Jim, I was the proudest daughter in the whole world to have a daddy who humbly loved God, his wife, his family and loved me so much, too.

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